Thursday, January 7, 2010

Rose Dawson Was A Whore!

"A man's face is his autobiography. A woman's face is her work of fiction." - Oscar Wilde

In all mythologies of all the history of all the generations of our very planet, women have always been viewed and categorized as the temptresses and manipulators of society.

Greek Mythology: The sirens - the most beautiful creatures of the ocean - would sing to the sailors who bypassed their islands, mesmerizing them with their angelic voices, and distracting the sailors from their navigation until they crashed into the sharp Greek rocks and died.

Christian Mythology: After being tempted and tricked into eating from the forbidden tree of eternity by Lucifer (in the form of a snake no less), Eve - the very first woman in creation, committed original sin; the act which according to the testaments of the Bible, introduced us to all that is negative in our lives.

Roman & Egyptian History: Cleopatra VII seduced Caesar. He was murdered, and then she seduced Mark Antony, even giving him the counter-productive idea to merge the forces of Egypt and Rome together; an idea which lead to a bloody civil war that took the lives of hundreds of thousands - the Battle of Alexandria. In other words, it took less than five years for Cleopatra to seduce a Roman King and his highest General, and to lead their prosperous country into chaos and civil war.

The point that I'm trying to get at, I guess, is that all throughout history most men haven't been able to see just how manipulated and bent out of shape they were by the effects of women. This can even be seen in today's fiction (seeing as how art imitates life - to me, that gives fiction just as much credibility as what's real).

, for example, showcased in it's fourth season how the demon Ruby was able to manipulate Sam Winchester into drinking demon's blood, an act which acted as the catalyst to the start of the Armageddon.

And then we come to the female lead of the highest grossing film of our time: Titanic.

I'd seen that movie lots of times since I was six years old, and it wasn't until recently that I noticed something that bothered me. I couldn't put my finger quite on it at first, but then I realized: Rose Dawson was a trifling bitch!

Most people don't see how, but that's because they probably never went out of their way to see what made her such a bitch in the first place.

Ok, so here we go: She screwed Jack (the little poor boy/male home wrecker) after she ungratefully broke off her multi-million dollar engagement to her fiancĂ© after he took both her and her mother into his home when her father lost his fortune and they had no place else to go.

And then, after surviving the ship's wreckage, she had the nerve to keep the extremely rare and expensive colored-diamond that her ex-fiancĂ© gave to her - the same necklace she wore while Jack drew the sketch of her in the second act (Keep the cash, but dump the man).

Not to mention the fact that Rose SPIT in the poor guy's face so she could be with her new lover. I mean, okay, so her ex was a prick, but nobody deserves treatment like that!

And THEN, the most appalling thing is this: Afterwards, in between the years of the Titanic's destruction and her elder years, she was married to an unnamed man but all-the-while she was still pining over her long lost lover, Jack Dawson!

And when she dies, who does she see in her own, personal, heaven?

I'll wait....

JACK! Not her husband of the past godonlyknowshowmany decades, but Jack-Fucking-Dawson! What. A. Surprise.

And so.... isn't that some "jacked" up crap?

Rose wasn't exactly a rose after all, was she?


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