Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Fights / Fight Night.

"Fights in real life, between real people, only last so long before someone gets seriously hurt." - Robert Kirkman

This past week has been a true call-back to my more teen-angst-ridden days of 2006 and 2007. People have been pissing me off all week long, testing my patience, and I'm really glad to see that I've gotten to the point where I'm no longer taking anyone's bullshit in stride any longer.

Fight #1 - Last Friday: So, my grandfather and I had been in Co-op City that day, looking for some new dress clothes for me to wear to my great-grandmother's funeral this week and on our way back, the bus became WAY too overcrowded due to the many bastards who were hopping on the bus by the load without paying.

Anyhow - cutting to the chase - some obnoxious macho prick refused to take his huge backpack off, despite the fact that it was only making the crowded situation even worse. And then it happened: He made the mistake of nearly hitting my grandfather in the face with his pack. My grandfather, instinctively, put his hands up to his face in a blocking manner to protoect his face from the creep's bag, but the guy - for some reason or another - got into a huff and they started arguing.... harshly.

Initially, I didn't say anything or jump into it - figuring that my grandfather could handle the situation himself, but for a change: My grandpa couldn't do much since he was sitting and the guy was standing, which gave the dickhead the upperhand in the situation.

But as soon as the bus stopped and we got off, I made it my business to get a little retribution. I called the guy to the side of the bus, expressed to him that I didn't like the tone of voice he'd spoken to my grandfather in, and the next thing I knew: We were having a blowout. It was a testament to how much I'd grown since I let that other asshole from midtown comics threaten me a couple of years ago.

My grandfather tried his best to hold me back but then again.... can anyone? Y'see, since I was a kid I've always felt as if my physical abilities, which outstretch most others, was gifted to me because of my slow-to-anger mentality; this guy had pushed me passed my boiling point though.

By the time the confrontation was over, I'd cursed the guy so bad that he opted to bitch out and walk away, I'd chased the bastard down the street and into a local 'Duncan Donuts' shop, and most of all.... I made him feel as small as he made my grandfather feel.

I don't fight with people often, but when I get the motivation to do so.... there's obviously no point of return with me. That particular guy knows that now.

Moving on....

Fight #2 - Last Sunday: IMDB is known for hosting some of the world's most diverse and fun content. It's too bad the fans there can't say the same for themselves.... especially the Supernatural fans who spend every waking moment of their time on that particular site.

Cutting to the chase, once again, I'd made a thread about "why I feel that the fandom should stop bashing Castiel."

In short: The page was about how much I love the character and why I couldn't understand some of the fandom's dislike for him. It's too bad that the fans there aren't as understanding and friendly as other fans on numerous other fansites are and have always been.

Of course, as always on IMDB, it wasn't long before I was being attacked every which way for expressing my own opinions. One guy even had the nerve to say that I was being a fascist, yet he was the one who was trying to limit my voice from being heard; another genius claimed that there wasn't a reason for me to be upset because it wasn't like I was being attacked by a lynch mob, which I clearly was, because I wasn't the first person to have this type of gang-up happen to them on that fanboard.

Essentially, I fought back and forth with all of the bastards for seven hours or so until I just finally cancelled my account because I obviously wasn't getting anywhere with the ten or so users who felt the need to attack me, personally, rather than the opinions that I'd put forward in the thread. There was one major jerk who's username is SwordOfSparda (make sure you bash this asshole if you're ever on IMDB) who just wouldn't stop harrassing me.

But, in the end, I felt sort of validated today when I was at Comicbookmovie.com (where I used to work at once upon a time before they stupidly revamped the site to the point where anybody can post there) and low and behold.... what was the topic that one of the users brought up!?!

[Drumroll, please]....


Here's a snippet of what the guy was saying (and this is totally unrelated to my own experience):

imdb.jpg picture by U2er

The guy's got a point! I don't know why or how, but somehow the people over at IMDB seem to be natural born dicks. Some things can't be explained.... maybe it's the way the site is set up or something.

Anyway: I digress....

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